News from the

Cruise Oz Blog


19 Oct 2024

Winton Dinosaur trail

OMG..OMG..OMG.. how do people live without internet or phones?????????????? I cannot handle not being able to post, look up anything online, conduct research or anything…. OK CALM DOWN WE CAN SURVIVE….

Now that I have calmed down, today we are up early to drive to the Dinosaur stampede, this drive is 110km with about 65km of unsealed roads, cause we staying in Winton 2 nights we are leaving the Aspire 499 Caravan behind today. It was a good drive other than we are in a time rush to make the 9.30am tour, the next one isn’t till 11am..

And the good news we made it…. This is an amazing place to visit and it is incredible to see the different footprints in the rock. You can imagine what happened at this site and the size of the prints from the small the to big and everything in between. Please if you are in the area do not miss this… We are told this is the only place in the world that this stampede action has been uncovered…

From the stampede, we made the 110km trip back into town and had time to head out 30kms to the Age of Dinosaurs, we took a tour of the collection room, which show 3 different sets of dinosaur bones. The Boys of course loved Banjo, the large carnivorous dinosaur that had caused the stampede we saw earlier. We then took a tour of the laboratory, it is truly amazing how many bones they have collected that still need to be cleaned and catalogued. The boys got to touch the femur of Trixie a large herbivore dinosaur. The only tour we couldn’t do today was the canyon walk as it was too hot and the canyon was closed (it was only 43c dont know what the problem was!!!). We had to go back the next morning.

We headed back into town to the Waltzing Matilda museum. It was well worth the $65 family admission and was at lot more than just about the song, there were displays from the region and old equipment and machinery. We especially like the steam train that we could climb aboard. We decided to let the boys run wild at the water park across the road, this was a mixed decision.

The thoroughly enjoyed the cool down and waterplay time UNTILL……my eldest Maarten went head first into the end of a slide splitting the side of his eye open.

Off to the Winton Hospital… Luckily he was able to have the split glued but it took a few hours to finish. Oh well another experience to add to the list.

The other elephant in the room is our van fridge… It is dead, we have been tossing this will end our trip of can we live with the 50L waeco being our only option????????? We have decided to push on and try to complete this trip. We want to make sure that this blog we give you is honest and we don’t hide any issues we have and this one is a big one… Once again it reminds us we need a better system to start our trip prep including running the fridge for a time to ensure it is actually working correctly and having a service on ALL items within the van.