UPDATE 06/07/2022
Current Resources Safety & Health Queensland (RSHQ) on the Swift 500 Series Cooker recall position as of (6/07/22):
- Appliances manufactured after 1 June 2020 will not be part of the recall and are not considered to be unsafe. You are able to turn your gas valve back on and remove and do not use tags.
- Appliances manufactured prior to 1 June 2020 – RSHQ advise turn-off do not use until further advised.
We are hoping for a recall update in the coming weeks for the Swift 500 Series Cooker.
For further information or to register your details with Swift please click on this link Swift Appliance Group
We will continue to post of Facebook and email current details as we are advised. But if you have a cooker in the recall period please email your details to swiftrecall@outlook.com