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Natural Science Loop – Day 3

17 Jan 2025
Natural Science loop

Day 3: Wallam Rest Stop to Paddabilla Bore & Birdwatching area

This morning we started later than normal, a walk-through town and along the river was the perfect way to start the day.


We took off for Cunnamulla where we had a list of sites to see. The first was a walk through the Cunnamulla bushlands. This is a 1.5km walk through the different landscapes in the area and is well worth the walk.

Cunnamulla Gardens

And then onto the Cunnamulla fella, a statue in the centre of town, the town of Cunnamulla has erected a statue of the Cunnamulla Fella as a tribute to Stan and Slim and to the ‘ringers’ of the bush, behind the statue is the tourist information centre.

Cunnamulla Fella

Inside there is an Artesian Time Tunnel display that we all enjoyed especially the lift under ground LOL…

There is a 25min movie about the Great Artesian Basin that is informative… We all learn something today.

There is a river walk along the Warrego River that is well worth doing.

And a Robbers tree, with a highly informative plaque that describes the last capital punishment carried out in QLD.

We filled up in town at the BP/Mobil service station and you would not believe it, they pump the fuel for you….


Please look them up if you are in Cunnamulla they are behind the railway station.

It was decided to make a late dash out to the Paddabilla Bore rest stop and thankfully it was worth it. Flat ground, heaps of space and we were the only campers here.

We lit a fire in our fire pit, BBQ on our new slide BBQ (I will give you a run down on this when I have had a few more goes)…

Off to bed for a run into Eulo tomorrow and onto Yowah.